Everyone Wanted A Puppy Before The Pandemic

Everyone Wanted A Puppy Before The Pandemic, But Now They Are Shelter-less

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Everyone Wanted A Puppy Before The PandemicSome people think that adopting puppies has become a new trend. But it was only a trend to want a puppy when the pandemic began, and it soon started to fade. People flocked to shelters across the country to get a dog that would keep them company. At the same time, they began to work or attend school from home. But research shows, as people return to their offices, their pups are living outside. They are exploring the outside world for the first time in a year.

Pets have been there for us as companions, and pet owners should make time for their puppies and help them work through possible separation anxiety issues. If required, they need to hire a dog walker to take the dog out for walks during the day. Even before the pandemic, it was commonplace to have pets and full-time jobs. All it takes are a few adjustments and planning to be successful. They have comforted us through a tough year, and we should honor our commitment to them after adoption.

Dogs Need Homes

Some owners are causing irreparable damage, so many puppies are fearful of doing new things. For people, it’s been challenging to take care of these big babies. There will be no time to play with them after returning from work, so they don’t want to keep these pups for long.

Everyone Wanted A Puppy Before The Pandemic

Many owners want a puppy during the pandemic, and people adopt them. But now, with things returning to normal, some owners are having second thoughts. Dogs don’t trust just anyone. When their situation changes, they sometimes go through a total shutdown. They might not eat for days or a week, and they won’t drink or use the bathroom.


There is also a need to find homes for these returned puppies. But now, with people going back to work, there are fewer families fostering and more dogs needing owners. We need foster homes. People can open their homes to a dog and help keep them until a new home comes available.

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