Remember when our parents told us that flu shots won’t hurt? The majority of us were all reeled in by that promise. We found out otherwise, just like this dog did in a similar situation.
The hilarious star of this story is a male American Pitbull Terrier. Like other pets, he loves to play and have fun. He also dislikes going to the vet clinic.
Where am I?
We understand why because who likes visiting hospitals? We only go when it’s absolutely necessary, and it sure isn’t under our favorite-things-to-do list.
Perhaps this pittie’s owner promised him they were gonna go to the park or somewhere to have fun. Judging by his incredulous expression, someone didn’t set the proper expectations for the poor pet.
He saw that he was at the vet, and the memories he probably had there flashed in his mind. Nobody ever liked being poked, prodded, and injected, even if they say it’s good for us.
That’s why this pittie’s hilarious reaction is so relatable on all levels. His facial expression summed life up at that very moment, and we’re all for it.
He’d been duped, and the doggo couldn’t believe it. That infamous intuitive nature failed him, so he was mildly annoyed at himself.
His spot-on reaction also showed resignation to whatever was gonna happen to him. What else could he do? Nothing but to sit back and let his fate take him wherever it wanted him to go.
We feel you, doggo. Don’t be too hard on yourself. After all, vet visits are for your own good, so that’s always something good.
Whatever happened after, we’re sure that this pittie bounced back from it. That’s a dog for you, and thank goodness for that. May you never be bamboozled again, pet!
Photo and video credits to BVIRAL via YouTube