Thirsty Russian Wolfhound

Thirsty Russian Wolfhound Quenches His Thirst By Drinking From A Spray Bottle, And Her Actions Demonstrate How Resourceful Dogs Are

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Thirsty Russian Wolfhound Quenches His Thirst By Drinking From A Spray Bottle, And Her Actions Demonstrate How Resourceful Dogs Are

When your puppy is thirsty, you want to give it water as quickly as possible. Right? However, this puppy’s owner discovered that her female Russian Wolfhound wanted to drink out of a spray bottle! We’re not sure where this pet named Arctica learned to drink from spray bottles, but she’s quite adept at it. On second thought, this Thirsty Russian Wolfhound owner must have taught her how to drink from spray bottles. Regardless of how she learned it, this puppy’s owner quickly realized that the dog preferred a spray bottle to a bowl of water! Have you ever seen anything like this?

At first, the puppy sniffed at the spray bottle and stuck her nose in there. Then she gulped at its refreshing contents intended for the plants.
I found it funny that her long snout appeared first, and her mom had to angle the camera her way to capture her pet’s full face.

Thirsty Russian Wolfhound

After taking her first sips, Arctica, the thirsty Russian Wolfhound, continued to drink from the spray bottle. Even after drinking her fill, our puppy continues to source water to herself by eagerly sticking her head inside the mouth of the spray bottle.

Thirsty Russian Wolfhound Quenches His Thirst By Drinking From A Spray Bottle, And Her Actions Demonstrate How Resourceful Dogs Are

Mom takes great care of her dog and wants Arctica to stay hydrated all day long. The pet looked adorable while she lapped up water from a spray bottle. That’s a practical and ingenious practice because the Wolfhound won’t go thirsty even if this pet goes somewhere else without a water bowl.

Thirsty Russian Wolfhound Quenches His Thirst By Drinking From A Spray Bottle, And Her Actions Demonstrate How Resourceful Dogs Are

After drinking out of the spray bottle, you’d think Arctica, a thirsty Russian wolfhound, was satisfied and went away to let her mom continue watering the plants.

She wasn’t, and we think those poor plants had to wait until mom refilled the spray bottle to get their nourishment.

If you have a puppy, does your puppy prefer to source their hydrating liquids from something that’s not their water bowl? Let us know quickly in the comments section below!

Credits to BViral via YouTube

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