The Story Of How Sadie Saved Her Owner’s Life

The Story Of How Sadie Saved Her Owner’s Life

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Hard To Place

Sadie is a beautiful big German Shepherd. Her size was a problem for her in her shelter years.

She spent most of her life in animal refuges where she was marked as “hard to place” due to aggressive behavior.

But she wasn’t a hard dog for Brian Myers. They were meant to be together.

Brian had a hard 2020. He is retired and lives alone. After surviving Covid-19, he realized he wanted some company.

A friend of his emailed a photo of Sadie, and he felt intrigued. He ignored the “hard to place” label Sadie had.

Instant Match

When they first met, they matched almost instantly.

After arriving home together, Brian promised to make the rest of her life the happiest possible.

Little did he know that Sadie was going to do the same for him.

One morning, Brian realized he was in serious trouble when he fell off his bed and couldn’t move the left side of his body. Brian was having a stroke. With no human near him and his cellphone 15 feet away from where he fell; his life was at risk.

Then Sadie came. She was licking his face and crying. Brian moved his right hand to pet her and luckily grabbed her collar.

Sadie Knew What To Do

Sadie immediately started to pull him, moving him closer to his dresser.

She wasn’t trained as a service dog. She just knew she had to help Brian.

Sadie helped him get closer to his dresser where he could reach his phone and call for help.

Later that day, at the hospital, the doctors told him that Sadie had definitely saved his life. “It was the best decision I have ever made, to adopt her.”

Sadie and Brian’s story (a must-read) is now widely known thanks to an issue published in The Philadelphia inquirer, where they shared the news.

The Story Of How Sadie Saved Her Owner’s Life

They reunited when Brian left the hospital, sharing a loving hug in the parking lot.

Images Credit Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge

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