Stolen Pit Bull Gets Reunited With Its Owner A Year After It Was Stolen

Stolen Pit Bull Gets Reunited With Its Owner A Year After It Was Stolen

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Some events just seem to happen straight out of a movie. Take this male pit bull who went missing for twelve months and thankfully reunited with his owner.

This pittie’s name is Titan – someone stole the dog from his owner’s truck right at West Palm Beach road. Barry Gearhart, Titan’s owner, says that when he came back after a quick purchase, there was no pittie around.

Stolen Pit Bull Gets Reunited With Its Owner A Year After It Was Stolen

The worried dad searched for his beloved pitbull for a long time, but he didn’t find his dog.

After a year of searching, Barry decided to post pictures of Titan on the net again. At this time, he had no idea that his dog was days away from getting euthanized.

Stolen Pit Bull Gets Reunited With Its Owner A Year After It Was Stolen

A shelter worker reached out to Barry and said that the pictures looked like a dog named Hank, an old pitbull they rescued as a stray.

Barry wasted no time and rushed to the shelter – it’s Titan indeed, and the pet couldn’t stop barking in joy. The hooman dad couldn’t help but shed happy tears.

Stolen Pit Bull Gets Reunited With Its Owner A Year After It Was Stolen

We’d do the same, and you would too, especially if you found out that your pet beat the grim reaper by mere days because of the reunion.

We’re thankful for the internet and social media too – this could’ve ended another way if not for them. Mad props also to the shelter worker who reached out to Barry.

Stolen Pit Bull Gets Reunited With Its Owner A Year After It Was Stolen

Now, dad Barry and doggo Titan are inseparable – we bet they’re trying to make up for lost time, never mind the bad experience.

We don’t know what happened between Titan’s abduction and the shelter’s adoption, but we’re glad that this pittie’s finally with his dad.

Stolen Pit Bull Gets Reunited With Its Owner A Year After It Was Stolen

We’d understand if Titan wouldn’t want to get left alone in the truck again – we feel you, pet! Just know that your dad’s not retaking any chances.

Cheers to more epic adventures together!

Photo and video credits to WPBF 25 News via YouTube

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