Rescue Puppy Makes Friends With A Rescue Pigeon And It Is So Adorable!

Rescue Puppy Makes Friends With A Rescue Pigeon And It Is So Adorable!

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More often than not, friendship does not know boundaries and differences. It just brings together individuals that have very different qualities and personalities. These people’s complementary traits usually result in strong bonds and dynamics.

The same can also be applied to animals. This is why it is not usual to hear interspecies friendships. You will hear stories of monkey befriending a frog, dog befriending ducklings, and a bear befriending a lion.

Another friendship proves such a theory or belief. One puppy has actually made friends with a pigeon. And they are both rescue animals.

The unlikely friendship

One normally stays in the air, and one runs on the ground. Who would have thought that the friendship between a dog and a pigeon was possible? But it happened.

Meet Herman and Lundy. Herman is a rescue pigeon, while Lundy is a rescue Chihuahua. The companionship that they have shown is very adorable and heartwarming.

What makes their story compelling is the fact that both of them have mobility problems. The pigeon cannot fly while the puppy cannot walk.

Lundy, then a two-month-old puppy, arrived at the shelter named The Mia Foundation, a New York-based animal rescue, in January 2020. Lundy came from a North Carolina breeder who had noticed that the puppy had some issues with mobility.

Lundy, whose issues with walking are likely connected to spinal cord problems, easily became friends with Herman, a pigeon and one of the shelter’s oldest residents.

The inseparable duo

The two animals are inseparable and are often seen cuddling together. This is according to Sue Rogers, the founder of The Mia Foundation.

Sue said that she set Herman on a dog bed, and the bird started taking care of Lundy. She then decided to put the pup next to the pigeon, and they started interacting in a charming way.

Herman is already a permanent resident in the shelter. Sue’s goal, however, is to fix Lundy’s mobility problems and find a new home for him.

Video Source: Inside Edition via YouTube

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