Rescue Dog Saves Young Girl From A Poisonous Snake

Rescue Dog Saves Young Girl From A Poisonous Snake

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One of the many traits that rescue dogs have is how much they appreciate people who give them a second chance in life. They know what it’s like to receive terrible treatment from heartless people. This explains why they waste no time in showing their rescuers how grateful they are to them. If you live with a rescue dog, you know how much effort they put into showing how much they value you for allowing them to experience how beautiful life can be.

It also goes without saying that rescue dogs can be very protective of their humans. They quickly switch to defense mode whenever they see a potential threat. These pups also sacrifice their lives each time they sense that their humans are in danger. Such is the case of Khan, a Doberman who’s been rescued by kindhearted humans from his abusive owners.

When Snakes Come Slithering By

Khan was happily playing with his human sister Charlotte in the backyard one morning when his mood suddenly changed. His smile disappeared, and he started being aggressive, causing Charlotte’s mom, Catherine, to panic. She feared that his pent-up anger from years of abuse had finally surfaced, and he was taking it out on her daughter.

The dog had just finished dragging Charlotte across the yard by the time she reached them. She was about to scold the pooch when she realized why he was angry. He was saving her from the deadly bite of a King Brown snake!

Protecting Charlotte

The young girl managed to survive the attack unscathed. Khan, however, ended up getting bitten by the venomous snake. The poor thing collapsed after the attack, prompting Catherine to call the vet and ask for help in saving him.

The vet injected anti-venom on Khan, which helped stop the spread of the poison. It didn’t alleviate the pain he was feeling, though, so he had to deal with it until the next morning. Know more about this story in the video below:

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