Dogs love playing wherever they go. Even in the most inopportune moments, playful canines won’t let a fun opportunity pass by, especially if they’re up against their best friends.
Thus, two Great Danes hold a feisty wrestling match even as their Dad tries relaxing on the sofa. With the way it looks, the canines can’t find a better place to hold their brawl than right where Dad can see them.
Hey, Why So Quiet? Let’s Play a Playful Game!
In this amusing video clip, two playful black-furred Great Danes face each other across the sofa. The one sitting on the couch is Tito, while the one standing across from him is Paavo.
Yet Tito and Paavo aren’t alone in the room as their fur dad lies right between them on the couch. And, before Dad can stop the doggy pair, Tito cheekily swipes Paavo’s face with his paw.
At some point, Tito even sits upright and follows through with a playful pat on Paavo’s head. With this, Paavo can’t stay silent anymore as he gives his canine bestie a warning glare.
Okay fine. Just Stop Doing It.
But, Tito isn’t heeding Paavo’s warnings as he continues playfully swiping his best friend’s face. Thus, to make Tito stop, Paavo retaliates by nipping Tito’s paw.
Thus, the energetic wrestling match between the two Great Danes begins, with both dogs sending out a flurry of attacks at each other. At some point, Tito and Paavo even lightly nip each other’s snouts.
On and on the wrestling match goes, with neither Tito nor Paavo backing down from the fight. Do you think Dad actually finds a way to stop the Great Danes from wrestling each other and take his much-needed nap? You better continue viewing through the link below to see what happens next to this adorable duo.
Video Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube