A woman just wanted to adopt a dog, but she didn’t think that this would lead her on a journey that would change her life.
The Dog Adoption Story
This woman is Kelsey. She just wanted a dog, so she started hunting for one. All she wanted was a dog that was big and lovable.
It took her some time to find the dog that would meet her criteria, but when she did, it was Phil, a Golden Retriever, that she chose to bring home. Phil used to belong to a family but was adopted since his owners couldn’t take care of him anymore.
When they first met, Kelsey knew that she and Phil had a connection. The dog’s previous owners saw that Kelsey and Phil had great chemistry. It made them realize that Kelsey was perfect to be Phil’s new owner.
The only problem, though, was that Phil was obese. He was around 148 lbs. That is twice a dog’s average weight, age, gender, and breed.
Kelsey learned that Phil was fed freely by his former owners. She knew that she had to change that.
The first thing that Kelsey did was to consult a vet and help her with a great plan that would bring Phil to a normal weight.
Kelsey also soon found out that living with Phil would be a challenge. She lived in a condo unit on the second floor, and since Phil had difficulty taking the stairs, she had to carry him, which was not easy. She also tried to take Phil for walks, but the dog would feel tired even if they had just walked half a mile.
But Kelsey knew that she had to be patient. With each day, things started to improve for Phil. He was shedding off the excess weight, was more energetic, and became active.
Currently, Phil is at a healthy 107 lbs., walks more than a mile, and can easily take the stairs.
Source: Adopt-A-Pet.com