In Crawford County, Michigan, a woman saved her rescue dog from being attacked by a 300-pound bear. On Saturday night of April 18th, Heather Willobee had let her eight-year-old dog outside when she noticed something out of the ordinary.
An Ominous Figure
The Grayling, Michigan woman said she could see her dog, Lucy, in the moonlight. Lucy was coming towards Heather, but she wasn’t alone. Something huge was closely following Heather’s dog.
The ominous figure turned out to be a 300-pound bear chasing Lucy. Heather started to panic, thinking the whole situation wasn’t right but determined to save Lucy.
The Bear Wasn’t Backing Down
Heather said this particular bear was not retreating, even with Heather yelling. Ms. Willobee is no stranger to bears. Heather knows usually banging on pots and pans or yelling at a bear is sufficient, but this bear wasn’t backing down. Heather then said the big black bear’s giant paws were fully spread out on Heather’s porch.
Luckily, Heather was able to pull Lucy inside the home but noticed her dog had been injured. Lucy would need to see the vet. Heather panicked, knowing they’d have to get past the bear once again to get to Heather’s truck.
A Rush to the Hospital
Thinking quickly, Heather pressed the panic button for her truck, setting off the alarm. Then Heather scanned the yard with her flashlight and made a quick dash to her vehicle. As Heather was placing Lucy in the front seat, the bear returned.
Heather said she kept eye contact with the giant bear as she slowly slid from the passenger seat to the driver’s seat. Ms. Willobee said she kept saying to herself, “I don’t have time for you, bear.” Heather’s only thought was to save Lucy.
Lucy ended up needing surgery and was released the following Monday. Heather thinks the bird feeders in her garden lured the bear into the yard. Heather also posted on Facebook, warning her neighbors of the bear encounter.
Credits: Heather Willobee Facebook