Little Girl Surprised With A Dog Parade On Her Birthday During The Quarantine

Little Girl Surprised With A Dog Parade On Her Birthday During The Quarantine

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When a child knows that it’s going to be their birthday soon, he or she will start preparing for their big day. Children get so excited to celebrate their birthday that most of them can’t even sleep the night before. For children, birthdays are supposed to be a fun-filled day playing with friends, opening presents, and eating delicious food.

The Pandemic

However, the current pandemic put a stop to all public gatherings. Even birthday celebrations are restricted. Inviting people over to celebrate is prohibited. For three-year-old Elizabeth Guthrie, it would mean that she would not be able to allow friends over. It would be devastating for a child who’s unable to celebrate her birthday.

Thankfully, Elizabeth’s parents, Mary and Mike, wanted to make sure that Elizabeth is happy during her birthday. Like any loving parents, they will do whatever it takes to make their child happy on their birthday. So, Elizabeth’s parents thought of a way to give Elizabeth the best birthday that she ever had while still observing social distancing. Elizabeth’s parents knew that their daughter loves dogs more than anything in the world. Elizabeth loves to play with her neighbor’s dogs, and Elizabeth’s parents knew exactly what to do to surprise their daughter.

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The Surprise

Although Mary and Mike knew that they couldn’t invite their neighbors and their pet dogs over to celebrate Elizabeth’s birthday, they can still ask them to wish their daughter a happy birthday from across the street. So, Elizabeth’s parents asked their neighbors if they could wish Elizabeth a happy birthday from a distance with their dog from across the street.

Eventually, word got out to the other families in the neighborhood, and the entire community decided to throw a big surprise for Elizabeth’s birthday by organizing a dog parade. All dog owners in the small community started to call each other, asking how they can help celebrate Elizabeth’s birthday. They were also coordinating with Elizabeth’s parents about the time when they should start the parade.

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The Big Day

On the day of Elizabeth’s birthday, she was brought outside of their house for the surprise. One by one, Elizabeth’s neighbors, along with their dogs, started walking past Elizabeth’s home to wish her a happy birthday. Elizabeth couldn’t help but smile and laugh as she saw the happy dogs in costumes walk past her home.

Although Elizabeth didn’t get to have friends over for her birthday, she was still delighted to be visited by 41 humans and 17 dogs to wish her a happy birthday. Everyone who participated in the dog parade had a lot of fun, making Elizabeth happy on her birthday. Here’s a heartwarming video of Elizabeth’s birthday surprise dog parade. Despite the current pandemic crisis, the community still finds a way to smile and make the most of a bad situation.

Video Source Good Morning America via YouTube

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