It’s heartbreaking to see Fearful Dog afraid of people. It makes us wonder what happened to them that made them that way. Moreover, not everyone is willing to take care of such traumatized dogs. However, once in a while, kind souls take on the challenge to help them recover.
A woman named Chelsea saw a dog who was about to be euthanized. She immediately fell in love with that dog and decided to adopt it. However, this dog wasn’t easy to take care of because of her severe fear of people.
Fearful Dog Clementine and Chelsea Bonding
Clementine, the fearful dog, was shaking when she first saw Chelsea. She was skeptical when she first arrived at Chelsea’s home. Eventually, she entered the house and started exploring the surroundings.
It took several months before Clementine made eye contact with her owners. There were days were Chelsea thought her dog’s fear had subsided. However, those days would immediately be followed by days of relapse.
Clementine would sometimes approach Chelsea cautiously. Chelsea would gently pat the dog to make her feel at ease when this happens. After a few more months, Clementine started to enjoy physical affection. Time was the best medicine that this dog could have.
Chelsea has two other dogs who interacted with Clementine. At first, they were skeptical of her but soon accepted her as a pack member. Nowadays, Clementine enjoys playing with both of them.
Chelsea believes that adopting this fearful dog, Clementine, has changed her life for the better. Watching the dog improve mentally and physically was an exciting experience. Chelsea claims that it has been the most rewarding decision she has ever made. Clementine is just one example of the millions of dogs whose lives can change because of one person. For Chelsea, all it took was a visit to a local shelter to find a dog who needed saving. Chelsea and many others like her set the right example for future dogs owners.
Video courtesy of The Dodo via YouTube.