How Having A Dog Can Make You Healthier

How Having A Dog Can Make You Healthier

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Dogs give us a lot without asking for much back. A pet dog gives you companionship, love, warmth, and fun. But did you know that they can also help you be a healthier person?

Dogs have been around humans for many centuries, and all kinds of scientists have studied this relationship for years.

Among the many benefits of having a pet dog, one that might surprise you is how much they help you improve your physical health.

One of the primary responsibilities of having a dog is walking them every day. Well, in terms of walking, there are a lot of benefits dogs provide you:

Michigan State University’s researchers found out that dog owners are more likely to make 150 hours of weekly walking time. 34% more than non-dog owners.

Also, dog owners usually get better quality exercise than those who exercise alone or with another human buddy. A study from the University of Missouri suggests that walking with a dog increases walking speed by 28%.

Dogs Make You Healthier

Good news for kids and teens! Having a dog in the family also promotes a healthier lifestyle. The University of Virginia found out that teenagers who have dogs in their families are more active and more likely to engage in physical activities.

Did you know that 10.5% of the American population has or has had diabetes type 2? According to exercise scientist Cindy Lentino, walking regularly with your dog decreases the risk of diabetes by one third.

But what about allergies? Is it true that dogs help you prevent allergies?

Yes, it is! According to the University Of Cincinnati College Of Medicine, children from allergy-suffering families are less likely to develop those same allergies when exposed to pet dogs from birth.

Dogs are indeed a person’s best friend. Not only do they love you unconditionally, but they also make you and your family healthier!

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