A woman named Raina was in her new home. One of the first things you do when you get to a new place is to explore, and that’s what Raina did. Raina went outside because she wanted to check her vast backyard.
While she was outside, she saw something run out from behind the rocks. She immediately knew that it was a dog. She tried to call out to the dog, but the dog would always avoid her.
Even when it kept running away, Raina wanted to get to know the dog, so she started feeding him. Still, the dog would run away every time she tries to approach it. The dog was so cautious about his surroundings.
Raina’s Dog Stella Helps Out
That all changed when Raina decided to bring her dog, Stella, outside. The moment that the stray dog named Kingston saw Stella, he wagged his tail. It was the first time that Raina ever saw him do that.
The two dogs started playing. As Raina observed the two, she realized that Kingston did not want to be saved. Still, Raina reached out to a lot of rescue organizations to help her out.
Sky Sanctuary To The Rescue
Nobody from the organizations came to help. Thankfully, people from Sky Sanctuary Rescue did. Sky Sanctuary Rescue is a rescue organization that helps capture dogs and find them a home.
The volunteers from the organization immediately went out to help Raina. It was challenging at first since Kingston kept running away. They had to use a net to capture Kingston. It was challenging, but with Stella’s help, the rescue was successful.
Stella’s presence made Kingston comfortable. He was comfortable enough to go under the net, and that was how he was captured. Raina became very emotional because she has invested a lot of time and energy towards the dog.
Raina Wanted To Adopt Him But Couldn’t
She even considered fostering Kingston, but unfortunately, she has a toddler. Raina does not trust that she can give her full attention to the new dog.
This was okay as the rescuers knew who to call that can help Kingston. It was a woman named Monica.
Monica does a lot of fostering, and she is very good at rehabilitating dogs with no formal training. Fortunately, Monica’s foster failed because she immediately fell in love with Kingston. She adopted Kingston, and he is now in a loving home.
Source Rumble Viral via YouTube