I think we all have a friend who loves to photo prank. When everyone is posing and smiling normally, they do something funny for the camera.
Well, that one friend has a dog counterpart; meet Hina, the Shiba Inu that became famous for her photo pranks.
Hina is a beautiful Shiba Inu who lives happily with her three dog-sisters: Kikko, Sasha and Momo.
The four ladies live happily with their loving mom, Yoko. Yoko shares the girl’s adventures on her Instagram account @yokokikuchi_ks.
The girls are now famous insta-stars. They have a loyal fanbase of 128K followers!
Hina’s big moment came in December 2020 when People magazine showcased her as “The Most Photogenic Prankster Of The Year”.
And all because Hina has the tendency of showing her personality through the pictures.
While her sisters look very serious, staying still and posing for the camera, Hina is always being silly.
By showing her teeth, sticking out her tongue, and even facing the camera backward; Hina steals her follower’s smiles with every photo.
You might think that because Hina is the younger sister, she might be the silliest one.
But her owner says that “She’s simply not as patient as her sisters”, and believes she doesn’t do the pranks on purpose.
In fact, she’s described as the best behaved out of the four girls. “She hasn’t needed a leash since she was a pup.”
Yokko keeps sharing Hina’s silly moments “because I love sharing that happiness.”
And almost anyone can smile while looking at one of her pictures.
All four pups look adorable together, but the fact that there’s always one of them doing pranks totally steals your heart.
The girls love running around, hiking, and watching their mom do her yoga training.
You can follow them and become part of their large fanbase.