Goofy Shiba Inu Ruins Perfect Family Photo

Goofy Shiba Inu Ruins Perfect Family Photo

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Shiba Inus are known for being spirited, good-natured, and intelligent. This particular Japanese breed had a serenely dignified character that reflected their superior intellect and willfulness. Akin to a ninja, these dogs are naturally agile, swift, extremely athletic, and moved with effortless grace.

However, certain Shiba Inu dogs were more pigheaded and mischievous than most. Because they were exceedingly smart and independent, they typically marched to the beat of their own drum. This freethinking quality sometimes caused frustration among dog owners, but it only added to their colorful personality.

Plus, these dogs were absolute goofballs, given a chance!

Goofy Shiba Inu Ruins Perfect Family Photo

Hina, the youngest Shiba Inu pup of four canine siblings from Hong Kong, was a playful and troublemaking dog who loved doing her own thing. She sometimes ignored what her pack did and followed where her mood took her, sporting a naughty grin the entire time. As the only white dog in the group, she looked like the family’s own impish doggy princess.

Goofy Shiba Inu Ruins Perfect Family Photo

Her playful nature shone through whenever her mom, Yoko Kikuchi, gathered the dogs for a photoshoot. Whenever Yoko thought she caught a perfect photo, Hina quickly changed poses at the last minute, which brought everyone’s attention to her. Smart girl!

Goofy Shiba Inu Ruins Perfect Family Photo

Hina always made their photoshoots fun and hilarious. Her siblings Sasha, Kikko, and Momo, were all obedient dogs and wholly followed Yoko’s instructions. But with Hina, the resulting photos ended with funny poses and ruined takes.

Goofy Shiba Inu Ruins Perfect Family Photo

Unable to resist, Hina constantly clowned around during photoshoots. Just as Yoko snapped their photos, the lovable dog intentionally yawned wide, turned her back, or gave a toothy doggy smile. Yoko let the pup get her way most of the time, appreciating the dog’s efforts as she expressed herself.

Unbelievably, Hina was actually the most behaved dog of their pack. Her amusing antics were all for show, meant to brighten up her family’s day. Well played, Hina.

Photos courtesy of YokoKikuchi via Instagram

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