Funny Canine Spins In Circles For The Most Hilarious Reason

Funny Canine Spins In Circles For The Most Hilarious Reason

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It’s funny how dogs do anything to get even the teeniest bit of food. Even if a canine ends up looking silly in the process, they won’t mind if it means having a delicious meal in the end.

Thus, a determined Labrador Retriever spins in circles to reach for a doggy treat on its back. With the way it looks, nothing can stop the pooch from having the snack despite getting dizzy.

Wait, I can’t reach it!

In this comical video clip, a cream-furred Labrador canine named Ginger stands in their kitchen. But Ginger’s gotten into a bit of a rut as she can’t reach the doggy treat on her back.

Funny Canine Spins In Circles For The Most Hilarious Reason

At first, the Labrador tries to crane her neck towards the snack’s location and uses her snout to snatch it. But, the moment she attempts to take a bite of the doggy treat, Ginger begins stepping backward.

But, determined as she can be, Ginger, the funny canine, doesn’t give up easily and makes another attempt at getting the snack. Yet, like earlier, the Labrador’s hind legs begin stepping back, making her spin.

Finally! Whew!

As the video progressed, Ginger carries on with her furtive attempts at reaching for the doggy treat. Yet, when she still cannot grasp the tasty biscuit, the Labrador spins in place to try and grab it.

Ginger then keeps on spinning in place, eager to have a taste of the delicious doggy treat. Yet, all the spinning tires and makes the doggo dizzy as the Lab soon collapses on the floor.

Funny Canine Spins In Circles For The Most Hilarious Reason

But, even as Ginger sits on the kitchen floor, she doesn’t stop from trying to reach for the doggy treat. And, with one last attempt, the Labrador keels to her side while craning over for the delish snack.

Do you think the canine successfully gets the doggy treat? You better keep viewing the doggo in live-action by clicking the play button in the link below.

Video Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube 

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