Friendly Malamute Greets Everybody Everywhere He Goes

Friendly Malamute Greets Everybody Everywhere He Goes

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Making friends has always been a breeze for most canines. After all, they typically catch the attention of strangers with their goofy faces and friendly personalities. But apart from looking goofy and fluffy, this Malamute has a rather adorable new approach of making friends.

Since he was a puppy, Sherpa, the charming Alaskan Malamute in question, has been nothing but a cheery and chatty pooch. He would often be seen approaching strangers outside and getting them to give him some pets and belly scratches.

One of his friendly interactions with strangers outside was filmed by his fur dad just recently. The duo was out on a fun day to the coffee shop that day, so off they went to the train station.

dog, alaskan, malamute

Sherpa was very behaved as they strolled to the station, but it didn’t take long before the pooch transformed into his chatty self. The moment they hopped into the train, Sherpa immediately approached one commuter and asked for some quick cuddles.

The pooch then howled on the top of his lungs, as if greeting all the train passengers with a festive “Hello!” This immediately caught the attention of anyone nearby, who eventually greeted Sherpa back with a smile.

But his friend-making escapade is far from over. Even as they exit the station, Sherpa was still howling and enjoying the attention he gets from the crowd. When they finally reach the dog-friendly café, the adorable pooch howled again to announce his presence and divert everyone’s attention to him.

His fur dad couldn’t help but giggle at his silliness. So he thought of uploading the video on Sherpa’s YouTube channel, so his 250,000 subscribers can have a laugh, too.

Little did he know that the Malamute’s silly stunt would earn him over 12 million views to date! Watch Sherpa’s fun day out here.

Courtesy of Sherpa

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