Eight-Year-Old Chocolate Labrador From Columbia Delivers Goods To Mini-Mart Customers

Eight-Year-Old Chocolate Labrador From Columbia Delivers Goods To Mini-Mart Customers

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Eros is an eight-year-old chocolate Labrador owned by Maria Natividad Motero. Maria holds a mini-market named “El Porvenir” in Medelline, Columbia, where Eros helps as a delivery boy.

Eros Helps His Owner

For almost three years now, Eros has been a great help to his owner by delivering goods to their loyal customers around the town. Maria said that she started training Eros when he was still little by commanding him to bring stuff from the ground floor to the fourth floor of his apartment. Growing up, she also took Eros along for the store’s deliveries. That is how he was able to memorize the streets and their clients’ houses.

Eros Had Excellent Training

With excellent training and patience from his owner, Eros learned to follow directions. His orders often include eggs, sausages, or milk and bread. Through a dashcam connected to the body of Eros, we were able to follow him throughout his busy day. He would carry a basket in his mouth loaded with the client’s orders and the receipt. The buyers would also reward him with a tip: sweets, cookies, and of course, as his customers said, bananas are Eros’ favorite tip.

Eros Helps Everyone

Eros is a brilliant dog. Better than humans, I may add. His service is valuable, especially now that we are experiencing a pandemic. People are stuck inside their houses. This dog is delivering people’s daily needs and is an act that humans must commend and be grateful for. Maybe for this dog, this is just playtime, a fun thing to do. But to us humans, he is a savior. A savior of time and energy. A savior from COVID. We no longer need to have ourselves exposed to the virus in the outside world! He makes our life more convenient. Imagine waiting for your ordered products to be delivered right in front of your door, AND you get to meet an adorable dog! I guess this is one of the beautiful stories created in the middle of a pandemic.

Source: Ruptly on Youtube

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