Dogs Who Lost Their Father Need To Be Adopted Together

Dogs Who Lost Their Father Need To Be Adopted Together

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Tonka and Little P lived a good life with their dad. Their father was very adventurous and used to live life on the edge. Tonka and Little P’s dad would always involve them in his escapades.

They would go on hikes, go to different places, and just see the world. Tonka and Little P’s loved their dad very much and enjoyed every adventure that they did together.

Their father and his friend decided to go to Colorado to be away from other people. There was a time when they went on a hike and brought enough food with them for a day.

Unfortunately, they got lost for two to three days. They had no food and water. When their dad saw a creek, he wanted to bring the dogs there so they can get a drink.

On their way to the creek, a terrible accident happened. They all fell over. Sadly, Tonka and Little P ‘s father died on impact.

When the rescuers found the group, Tonka and Little P refused to leave their father’s side. It was heartbreaking.

The accident also caused the dogs some injuries. Tonka broke a few legs which were treated through surgery.

Before his operation, everybody in the hospital saw how worried Little P was for him. Tonka licked Little P’s paws as if to say that everything was going to be okay.

Tonka’s surgery was a success, but he needed to take things slow for at least three weeks. If he does, his legs will heal just fine.

Tonka and Little P would have to be temporarily separated so that Tonka can recover well. As for Little P, he is fostered by his father’s cousin and is doing very well. Once Tonka has fully healed, they will be reunited.

They have been so used to having each other that it would be cruel to separate them. Their rescuers will do everything they can to find a family that would take them both. They may have lost their father, but they still have each other.

Source The Dodo via YouTube

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