Making money out of artistic designs is no easy feat. But this Staffordshire Terrier proved it otherwise after raising $4,000 through his paintings. In the end, the pooch donated all the money he earned out of his commissioned artwork to the shelter he lives in, the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria (AWLA).
The pooch, later identified as Rico, received praise from people. He then got nicknamed to Ricasso. Aside from being a dog artist, Rico is similarly a shelter pooch at the AWLA.
The dog uses his tail to paint, and it was the volunteers who first discovered the dog’s artistic talent. Although it was art lessons for the pooch, the volunteers said that Rico treated it as his playtime. The volunteers mentioned that Rico would often look forward to the hour of the day when they will do it.
Gina Hardter, AWLA’s director of marketing and communications, said that the dog enjoys whatever he does relating to artwork. When the pooch is in mood, he can produce at least four masterpieces a day. The same artworks are displayed on the walls of the animal shelter.
Whenever visitors would see the artworks, some of them appreciate the dog’s effort. For these visitors, not all dogs are inclined to art and design. But more importantly, the visitors want to help the pooch raise funds for the animal shelter. This is why the dog’s artwork would be sold out most often than not.
There was also a time that the animal shelter held an art auction for the dog’s masterpieces. This is where AWLA was able to raise $4,000, which they will use for the animal shelter. The volunteers explained that the artworks are products of Rico. They likewise mentioned that they ensured the dog’s safety every time he paints. The materials Rico used are washable and non-toxic, the volunteers added.
Credits to Omar.