Dog Abandoned By The Side Of The Road Was Adopted By His Rescuer

Dog Abandoned By The Side Of The Road Was Adopted By His Rescuer

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Two men were passing by a road when they saw a dog who seemed like he had just recently been abandoned and was unaware of the area. He was skittish, his tail was tucked between his legs, and he didn’t know what to do about cars crossing.

Helping The Abandoned Dog

Seeing how the dog needed help, the two men went out of their way to stop and try to approach the dog and give him proper care. He seemed very friendly but was just cautious about new people. He seemed like he wanted to accept the help, but at the same time, he wasn’t so sure if he could trust these total strangers.

One of the men used food to slowly close their distance and present himself as anything but a threat. He tried to make the dog feel secure around him. While the dog took the treats, he still wasn’t easily trusted. He kept distancing himself and ran off with his tail visibly tucked in between his legs.

They decided to lead the dog into a cage in their last attempt. They use treats to take him where they could finally get help. It was a slow process, but as the dog took the last treat. They closed the cage and immediately rushed him to the vet. The abandoned dog felt scared throughout the whole process, and even when they arrived at the vet, it was apparent that he was still not comfortable.

The vet checked him out and gave the abandoned dog a bath and a proper meal as well. And that was the moment that the dog was finally able to feel secure, and his rescuer was finally able to pet him and hug him. When he finally recovered, the man who rescued him adopted him and took him home. He lives with two cats and his dad, who didn’t give up on him.

Source: YouTube via The Dodo

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