A dead treasure hunter’s dog gets adopted by a nurse. In 2016, a medical nurse rescued a canine from the brink of death. And currently, we are happy to report that the four-legged survivor is thriving, thanks to this hero.
Our Hero
Erin Johnson was part of a helicopter crew on a mission to search for a 53-year-old Colorado man after he and his pet Leo went missing for ten days. This was according to a 48 Hours episode of CBS.
Randy Bilyeu searched for a treasure chest containing an estimated amount of $1 million worth of gold in the Rocky Mountains. This was reportedly set up by a millionaire named Forrest Fern. During his search, Bilyeu brought his pet along with him, who always stayed by his side.
In an interview with 48 Hours, Johnson shared how they were notified about the missing gentleman. And since the weather that day had been very cold, her team suspected that their mission would likely be more of a body recovery rather than being able to find him alive. But, despite their doubts, they were cautiously optimistic that they would still be able to find the man alive.
Helicopter Search
The team conducted a widespread helicopter search for Bilyeu but only managed to find Leo, who had obviously been starving. According to her, Leo looked mangy despite having a sweater on, which had been rather filthy when they saw him. However, she believed that the dirty sweater saved his life, considering it had been bitterly cold that day – it was a miracle that the dog even survived at all!
Upon his rescue, Leo the dog displayed aggressive behavior and barked ferociously at them, probably due to the trauma of events. But after Johnson slowly coaxed him with food, they were able to rescue him successfully. She turned him over to a local animal shelter, who eventually reached out to Bilyeu’s family regarding the dog.
Because of her particular attachment to Leo, Johnson reached out to the family, intending to adopt the dog she rescued. Thankfully, the family agreed, and the canine has been living with her ever since.
And Johnson is happy to report that Leo is doing a lot better – and learning new tricks! – nearly five years after being rescued.
Source: Fund for Randy Bilyeu’s Family / GoFundMe