Game Playing
Playing games with our pet pups is just part of the whole experience of being a dog parent. If you plan on getting a pet pooch, you should expect to play a lot of games with them because that’s just who they are. It is our duty to make time for playing and we should devote some energy to it.
If you’re really a busy person, perhaps you could try this awesome life hack in the video below. We’re not really sure if this scenario was deliberately set up, or if it was just a coincidence. Nevertheless, it made a pretty funny video that dog lovers will surely enjoy.
The Elsa Doll
The clip is set up in the living room with two doggos and an Elsa doll. For those who don’t know, Elsa is the main character in the Disney film “Frozen.” From the background noise, it seemed that the owners have visitors, so they were not able to focus their attention on their fur babies.
Luckily for them, Elsa was there to save the day. The doll was big and this was enough to fool the Border Collie and the Siberian husky. These two puppers thought that Elsa was a small human! So, since everybody was busy with the visitors, the doggos thought that this small human must’ve been assigned to play with them.
The Border Collie picked up a toy and gave it to Elsa as if he wanted her to play fetch with them. The pup’s confusion was truly hilarious because the doll is truly life-like! We feel sad for the doggos because nobody was there to play with them at that moment, but we can’t help but giggle at how cute their behavior was!
One of their humans recorded the funny encounter for everyone else to enjoy and I’m sure they enjoyed it. We just hope that these dogs’ humans played with them after their visitors went home. Check out the hilarious doggie clip below because it’s pretty cute.
Credits: Waggle TV