Canine Siblings' Wild Chasing Game Results In Amusement For All

Canine Siblings’ Wild Chasing Game Results In Amusement For All

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There are times wherein we’re not in the mood to engage in any lively activity with our family and peers. Yet, when we see them having fun, we can’t help but join in on the activities.

Thus, a Newfoundland can’t help but engage in its Cavalier sibling’s whims when the pup invites it for a chasing game. Even as the Newfie initially plays hard-to-get, the witty puppy uses the most tempting tactic to make the doggo change its mind.

Hey, you sure you don’t want to play?

In this lively video clip, two furry canines hang out in their backyard. The brown-furred Newfoundland’s Samson, while the mix-furred Cavalier King Charles Spaniel’s Rambo.

Canine Siblings' Wild Chasing Game Results In Amusement For All

At first, Rambo’s bent on running around the premises, leaving the bewildered Samson standing in a corner. Yet, when Rambo notices that Samson’s not following him, he quickly pauses and sniffs on the grass instead.

Rambo carries on with his peculiar activity, ultimately catching Samson’s attention. But, as Rambo wants to play a game with the Newfie, he resumes sauntering towards Samson and gives out a direct invitation.

I’m in, alright!

Rambo and Samson soon hold an intense staring contest, none of the dogs averting their gazes. This hilarious scene continued until the Cavalier doggo decides to make the first move.

Without any warning, Rambo then takes a step forward in the hopes of luring Samson into a game of tag. And, it looks like the Spaniel’s strategy worked its wonders on the Newfoundland as Samson begins chasing the puppy.

Canine Siblings' Wild Chasing Game Results In Amusement For All

With this, Rambo runs as fast as he can to prevent Samson from catching him. The funny pair carry on with their energetic chase until Samson rampages through an innocent fence and breaks it.

Do you think Mom calls out the Newfoundland’s attention about the broken fence? Well, you don’t need to wait long to find out if you click on the play button below.

Video Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube

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