If you’re a first-time dog owner and learning the basics of dog training or have had the pleasure of owning a dog before, your dog is bound to exhibit some common behavioral problems.
Dog’s Behavioral Problems And Solutions
Understanding and eliminating the most common dog behavior challenges starts with a comprehensive awareness of them. Most of the problems can be avoided or managed with a solid foundation of obedience training.
Improper Chewing
Chewing is a typical trait for most dogs, and it is essential for them, too. That’s just the way their brains work. Too much chewing, on the other hand, may quickly turn into a behavior issue if your dog destroys things like shoes and furniture.
Set aside things you don’t want your dog to chew on to make your home dog-proof. When you’re unable to supervise your dog, confine them.
Give your dog a variety of chew toys to choose from and prioritize toys they love. Do not punish your dog if it chews on forbidden things. If you notice your dog chewing on forbidden items, as an exchange, give them something suitable to chew. Reward chewing on the right things with a treat or praise.
Excessive Barking
The majority of dogs make some kind of vocal communication. They may bark, howl, or whine, among many other things. Excessive barking is a behavioral problem. Evaluating why your dog is vocalizing in the first place is essential until you can fix its excessive barking. Controlling repetitive barking is something that you should learn to do. Try teaching your dog how and when to bark and to be silent. Staying patient and consistent is the key. Identify and address any possible causes for the barking. Getting your dog to stop barking will require your dedication and attention to detail.
Pulling On Leash While Walking
Find out what reward your dog is glad to engage in in the form of food/treats/praise. Once you’ve identified this, you can use this to motivate them during training. Sniffing and discovering an area is highly beneficial to your dog and, therefore, should be encouraged at all times. Having them pull you towards an intriguing smell or stimuli, on the other hand, is undesirable. Using loose leash walking could help to correct this behavior. Stop walking whenever your dog pulls ahead and tightens the slack on the leash. You must wait for your dog to return to a reasonable distance such that the leash can become relaxed again. Once this happens, give them a treat and continue walking.
Recall Is A Valuable Technique For Your Dog To Learn
In emergency situations, one of the best ways to help your dog is through training involving recall skills. The more you teach your dog to come back when you call them, the better you can ensure their safety. Recall training provides the freedom they deserve and promotes a higher-quality, healthier lifestyle. When you need your dog in an emergency, sharp recalling skills are essential. Your dog would actually have more freedom as a result of recall training. Begin by practicing recall in a low-distraction environment, such as your own home. It would help if you didn’t repeat the cue word during recalling. If your dog doesn’t quite answer the very first time you say the cue, make it exciting for him by making kissing sounds or clapping your hands to encourage them to come near you.
I hope this article will help you to solve your dog’s behavioral problems. You can also read our guide for First-Time Dog Owners.