Nikki Delventhal, an outdoor enthusiast, had an unconventional dream of traveling full-time to explore the country. She convinced her mom to go with her on one part of her journey, so she took her to a remote hiking destination.
While driving along a dirt road, Nikki noticed that an animal was running after the car. She slowed down and realized that it was a dog. When she opened her car, a puppy jumped straight onto her lap.
The dog lingered while they prepared for the hike. Nikki thought that he would walk away as they began their hike, but he stayed with them the whole time. He walked the entire four miles of the trek with them and back again, even if he seemed to have a slight limp. He never left their sight.
After the hike, Nikki could not bear to leave him behind. She took the puppy with her and asked everyone they met along the way if they recognized him. Nikki wanted to make sure that he would go back to his home. If he had no family, she would keep him and name him Camper.
Nikki asked friends who worked in a shelter, and they advised her to take Camper to the vet. When she took Camper to the clinic, they had to let him stay to get a total health evaluation and treatments of his issues. They would also have to check him for a chip or any sign of ownership.
When Nikki picked up Camper over the weekend, she learned that he was about five months old. They declared him a stray dog because he did not have a microchip. Nikki was elated over the news because it meant that she could keep him.
Nikki’s adventures became more fun since the day Camper chose to walk with her. He became her constant travel companion. He enjoyed hiking and exploring the wilderness.
Camper’s happy personality was contagious. He managed to make her laugh more often with his antics. There was never a boring day with Camper.
Camper made a difference in Nikki’s life. Inspired by Camper, Nikki recently started a charity project called Camper Cares, which helped foster animals by paying for their vet bills.
Before Nikki met Camper, she was only focusing on her dreams. Now, her dreams included a worthwhile mission.
Source: Nikki Delventhal via YouTube
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