A Golden Retriever Who Interfered During A Live Weather Report Has Become An Internet Star

A Golden Retriever Who Interfered During A Live Weather Report Has Become An Internet Star

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While the pandemic has not been easy to deal with for most of us, we have also seen hilarious incidents during these gloomy times.

Recent statistics reveal that dog adoption rates have gone up, and they are now higher than ever before. However, as more and more people have started working from their homes, canines have proved to be a source of some funny and furry work interferences.

Recently, a charming Golden Retriever named Brody gained a lot of limelight on social media. The dog got his virtual fame when he appeared in a live weather forecast. Paul Dellegato, a meteorologist, was presenting the live weather report from his home when the dog decided to jump in.

Apparently, the canine had become bored because during his owner’s description of the weather, or maybe he just wanted some attention — so he just decided to poke his snout into the live transmission.

The dog first knocked the computer down and then got into his dad’s lap. The disturbance created by the Golden Retriever got him a little reprimand as well, but it was of no real effect.

While the meteorologist kept shaking his head to show his disapproval of what the dog was up to, he still couldn’t get genuinely mad at the adorable canine.

After watching the pooch on television, people instantly fell in love with Brody. The weather segment went viral on social media, and the handsome dog became an overnight celebrity.

We surely need more weather reports like this to brighten up our days during these sad pandemic times.

It is also worth mentioning that Paul has got a framed picture of Brody on his work desk. The guy is definitely a true dog lover!

Here is a video about the story.

Source: Fox 13 News – Tampa bay via YouTube

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